Monday 30 December 2019

THANK YOU, 2019!

London. It's the 30th of December as I type this post while sitting comfortably on my bed. It feels just two blinks away when I published this OH HELLO, 2018 and THANK YOU, 2018 posts. I am so contented and happy and to be honest, I couldn't ask for more. My heart is really, really grateful. I have heard so many people saying 2019 has been hard and I feel for them. I had a fair share of challenges this year, make no mistake, but overall, it's been a great year. Here are some few things I'd like to recall when I think about 2019.

We got married civilly. Sure, a wedding ceremony is up next summer but I had a hearty civil wedding summer of 2019 and that's one of the many things I will never forget. We had a short solemn wedding registration and off we went to eat, drink, walk, laugh and eat some more. My tummy literally hurt by laughing too much! What I've learned about weddings is that it happens on top of everything else. The whole word won't stop just because you are getting married and you not expecting your wedding to be perfect is the best mindset we have ever subscribed into. It's very liberating and it allowed us to enjoy the event all the more. 

I got promoted. I talk about work on this blog less than I probably should but that's just me being me. I intentionally distance myself from talking about work because I am doing work most of the time (I'm a full time accounting software consultant). I worked hard for this promotion and I am just happy that it's all worth it in the end.

Intermittent fasting changed my life, as aptly captioned on this POST. I should changed that to 'we'. Gab and I were talking during our short staycation at BATH, ENGLAND and we both retrospected how good we feel since we practice intermittent fasting. I have so much to tell about this wonderful topic but I know that it's not for everyone too. What I can say is for you to give it a try and decide after. This may sound weird but I'm actually excited for my next health MOT (check up) next year! I took one March of this year so seeing a comparison from Kristine before and after would be interesting.

Family and friends. My list won't be complete without mentioning how deeply contented I am with people surrounding me. My Mommy is one of the most important people in my life and I am so grateful that I will see her again in London next year! I am just happy that my mommy is happy and healthy along with the rest of my family.

Love. What's the one thing you are thankful for this year? I asked Gab. He said, "you." Honestly, sometimes I look at Gab and say thank you underneath my breath. I don't know what did I do to deserve such a dependable, loving and smart man like him. My mommy reminded me that I am a good daughter to her and daddy, that's why. I am not sure if that's entirely true or she's just being kind as she always is but whatever the reason is, I am immensely grateful that I can wake up next to him every morning.

The prospect of the future. Ideas are surging in my head the past days and creative juices just keep flowing! I have so many ideas that I want to execute and I can only hope that I have the bandwidth and push to make all these things a reality. The mere thought of these things excite and keep me awake at night and that's a good thing! I don't know what the next decade holds but I wish good health, happiness and love to all of us! -CMK

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