Tuesday 25 November 2014


Winter is coming! Guys! This would be my first proper, full-term winter in my life. Excited? Yes. Interested? Yes. Jittery because of the... uhm... weather? Double check. I've had my first dip at winter last 2012 when me and my friends went to Seoul, Korea - it was fun. Negative seven degrees. Brr. Enough said. When the sun goes up at 7:25 am and sun sets at 4:20 pm (!) you'll definitely have this urge to be on a home-buddy mode for the rest of the night. No worries, this is the best time to catch up on your readings! Specially for someone who hoarded books last Manila International Book Fair >:)
Here's a rundown of the books I'm currently reading at the mo.

Why Men Marry Bitches
Title is too hot to handle for some, but it left me intrigued. Political-correctness aside, this is quite interesting as I read it. It offers a bare-all manuscript on how men think. Amazing that they are a straight forward creature. Yes. No. Love. Hate. Those kind of stuff. No gray areas to over-analyze {like women generally do}. This is entertainment on every page. I began to read this on the plane from Manila to Heathrow. I wanted to shoo the drama vibes, and it worked. I'm halfway now and am planning to write a review if time warrants.  PS: Bitch is an acronym pala, Babe In Total Control of Herself. *Z-snaps in the air!

God's Guide to Food, Fitness and Faith for Women
It's a total opposite from the first book, I know. This is a devotional read about women's overall well-being. It has an everyday tidbit you can glance and reflect all through the day. It's hot off the press when this was shipped to me for review (Thank you, CSM Publishing Team). I do appreciate the presentation. Not too wordy and just right for someone who likes a light read.

Can you guess what is this? It's a Bible. I got it from Hillsong UK (more on that HERE). If you're afraid that you'll read churchy and hifalutin stuff, don't worry. You won't see that on this post. All I know is that Jesus likes to have a relationship with us. It's the feeling that you have the BIG GUY backing you up, that's great. To me, it's all about being real with Him. He knows everything about you and He loves you just the same. A simple prayer or Hello Lord - I'm sure He will appreciate that :)

Eat Move Sleep
During my first week in London, I grabbed this book to a coffee shop and read the time away. It wasn't long that I got hooked to it. It's so practical, like the author knows my daily routine {mostly unhealthy}. I'm on my 3rd week to my on/off relationship with morning walk in the park. I'm slooooowly eating brocolli and I'm sleeping at least 7 hours a day. Sounds good for a quick start, you think?

This is pretty much sums up my to-read list now. As I'm surfing the www, I pranced upon this quote and I find this really true to form. Here goes:

Keep reading books, but remember that a book is only a book, and you should learn to think for yourself. –Maxim Gorky

Keep reading. And thinking! -CMK

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