Friday 30 November 2012


I've always been an avid user of Zen Zest products,
and my fave branch? Zen Zest Glorietta! 
Check out this post:
Experiencing Zen at Zen Zest Asia (Click HERE). 

That's the reason why I'm way beyond thrilled when 
I got an email from Liz of The Project Vanity,
inviting me to Zen Zest Diva-Off! event.
It's not your ordinary type of bloggers gathering
as the title implies. This one's for singing, sniffing (good scents)
and just having a laid-back weekend with old and new faces.

That Saturday was a bit jam-packed for me,
I've ticked some few obligations and managed to finalize 
Quiz #3 for my Accounting class... Wohoo!
I can be that geek at times. But it's all good,
enjoyed a glass of  home-made peach iced tea from
Mary Grace Cafe (click HERE).


Going back, I arrived at Red Box Greenbelt 30 minutes
before the call time. Ms. Liz was too kind to ask us how our day was so far.
Event started with a sumptuous buffet, loved the fish and tacos!
Then the singing began.

Event was graced by none other than Divine Lee 
(she's so nice and very down-to-earth), 
Victor Basa and the owner of Zen Zest herself, Michelle Fontelera.

With Ms. Divine Lee

I'm happy to meet a new friend by the name of Carina!
 Show her some love by visiting "Softly Sometimes" blog,
Picture below was grabbed from Carina's post, click HERE.
Thanks Carina! Text text. Tweet. Tweet. ☺

Okay - I have a confession to make, I didn't sing that night.
I was recuperating from a sore throat plus I'm shy. Teehee >:)

I'll be publishing separate posts (and reviews) about 
Zen Zest Winter Wonderland Collection!
As a teaser, take a peek!


Smelling good has never been this FUN! -CMK


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