Friday 16 March 2018


There are times that you want to conquer the world and make it all happen. Then there are moments that you want to live on your cosy onesies and curl up like you don't have a care in the world. I've been literally dragging myself to exercise these days but judging by the amount of chocolates and sweets I've inhaled from my week long birthday celebration, I just need to sweat it all out. I guess the biggest motivation for me is I'm sitting my ass all day long in the office with occasional trips to the meeting rooms and others but generally, I'm sedentary. We need to take care of our body because we don't have any spare! After a long day of work and exercise, I'm looking forward to spend my night time with my Hygge kit. Hygge - it is so surreal because I know the feeling since when I was a kid but I didn't have a name for it! You know the feeling when it was raining and you're so happy to be at home doing your thing. Please tell me I'm not alone!

🐼Notebooks to write your thoughts
🐼The Body Shop Camomile Makeup Remover
🐼Lush Mask of Magnanimity
🐼Foreo for my facial massage (review here)
🐼Tea (I use green teas in the morning)
🐼Fruits (or chocolates)
🐼Candles (from John Lewis)
🐼A good book

Lastly, here's something to ponder:"If it costs you your peace, it's expensive."
Have a great weekend. 💋- CMK

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