Friday, 30 March 2012


Indeed if anything is for you, the universe will conspire to make it happen. I stand amazed how thoughtful our God is. Series of events happened which lead me to accompany my friend at Shinagawa (located at The Enterprise Center, Makati City).

I'll spare you with the medical details but if you're thinking about undergoing an eye laser surgery anytime soon you may want to scan these details:

* Comply with their pre-operating check-up to verify if you're qualified.
* If you have an eye doctor, ask a clearance and 2nd opinion from them.
* Don't wear contact lenses for 2 weeks straight.
* On the day of the procedure, ask someone to accompany you.

It's not just a weekend for me, it's "the" weekend:
* An anesthesia (eye drop) was applied.
* Procedure was totally painless.
* Follow the doctors instruction (ie. Look straight at the red light, etc.)

Doctor is very approachable and hands-on. He keeps on talking, updating me what's happening (ie. like it's okay - 10 seconds to go...). When you can't see anything *even if it's only a matter of seconds - it really helps to hear things.

After that heart-pounding and longest 60 seconds of my life, thank you Lord and it's over! Right after the treatment:

* My eyesight are cloudy but this will subside over time.
* Don't be afraid if your eyes were a bit swollen, an instrument was used to keep your eye in place but this will be gone in no time too.
* Follow the prescribed interval of eye drops and take the meds, as instructed.

Bottom line is - I really want to shout how thankful I am because my vision are back to 20/20. Some more details:

Shinagawa (click here)
Some of the well-celebrated people who entrusted their eyes to Shinagawa were Ariel Rivera, Krista Kleiner, Janice De Belen, Joey G (of Side A) to name a few. So it's safe to say that it's safe.
It comes with a 3-year guarantee period.

The cost is all in. Including the medicine kit in the pic above.

Feel free to reach out to me (ie. write your comments) should you have questions. I'd be glad to give you my consultant's contact number to give you further details. 

Special thanks to Jolie and Baba - for persuading me into a clearer path ;)

All I can say is... the world is such a colorful place to live! -CMK. 



  1. Great post! By why did you title it your "first" Lasik experience? Do you need to go back for a second session?

    If you don't mind, how much did the session cost?

    1. Hello Jillsabs :) First (and hopefully last) Nope no need to go back for another session. But what's great is they have a 3-year warranty period. So you can always go back if ever.

      Cost of the session - sure. i'll give it to you via direct message. If you can send me your twitter account or email address - that would be perfect! :)

    2. Hi Jillsabs - sent you a direct message on twitter (^-^)

  2. me too can you send me how much did this cost? including the medications and check ups! thanks:)

    1. Hello Abiwabi - sure thing. Please send me your twitter account or email address... I'll be glad to give you the details. :)

  3. Hello Xedric... I got it at 50% off... Regular rates are approx Php 90k, I got mine at approx Php 46k (ALL IN). There's a promo before at dealspot, but I think it has already been sold out.

    Watch out for my post (guys), there might be another 3 slots for the 50% lasik promo comeback :)

  4. After u underwent d procedure, how's ur vision now (it's been almost 3 mos)? Thanks! Ur blog wanted me to go now to shinigawa for d surgery.

    1. Hi. Yup. I took the lasik procedure March 10 - all's well and good. Thank God. Wow - really? I agree. 20/20 vision is priceless. Super! ♥

  5. Regarding d amount u paid was it d standard LASER or d IntraLasik?

    1. Hello -- the procedure I underwent is Intralasik (their most advanced service) :)

  6. how come i called up today they told me only 30% off they told me they never had 50%off where do you get your promotion for 50%off?

    1. Hi Allan - thanks for dropping by. As I've mentioned before, discounts would be on Shinagawa's sole discretion. I got the 50% off deal from Shinagawa.

      If you wish - you can send me your details (Name, Email Address, Date of Availability for Free Consultation) at I will ask Shinagawa personally on your behalf. Thanks.

  7. Hi! It's been 5 months since ur surgery... how's ur vision now? I came across your blog while i was searching for promos on Laser eye Treatment. I just missed the last deal from Shinagawa:(. I just want to know if they really give discounts if you inquire/call them directly? Thanks!

    1. Hi Joanne! My vision is better than ever. This is one of the most liberating decision I'm glad I made. Life Changing indeed. On discounts? Ah really? Are you planning to get the INTRALASIK treatment? Give me your email address so I can contact you directly. Let's see how can I help you ♥ ;)

  8. Hello Kristine, i found a same promo from metrodeal with 50% off lasik at shinagawa. I'm wondering if this is true? do shinagawa accept vouchers with this kind of promo sites? i really wanted to undergo lasik procedure and if the promo is true well that's a big discount and really worth buying.

    1. Hello! Yup it's true. Sometimes Shinagawa posts deals in discount sites like Metrodeal. Piece of advice though : Ensure that the specific treatment you want. Like if it's INTRALASIK or so. Best to confirm this with Shinagawa too. You can send me your email address and the exact title of the treatment - I can confirm this for you! 20/20 vision is life changing!

    2. Hi please send me details of your treatment at thanks! :)

  9. hello,

    just want to ask if the deal at metrodeal is ok. The deal title is "Clear 20/20 Vision without Contact Lenses or Glasses: LASIK Laser Eye Treatment for Both Eyes for P24,999 instead of P65,000"

    1. Hello there - I think that deal is another type of lasik. The original price for Intralasik ranges from Php 80,000 - Php 90,000. But to be sure - you can send me an email at - I'll confirm this one for you. Thanks.

  10. If you don't mind me asking, how poor were your eyesight before the procedure? I have a high refractive error, 900 on both eyes. Would like to know how much i will benefit from lasik

    1. Hello - i only have 300 (both eyes) but with a grade in astigmatism too. Oh dear! It was one of the BEST decisions I've had in my life. Very liberating. No eyeglasses. No contact lenses. Very worth it my dear! :)

  11. Hi Kristine, I saw a promo from metrodeal, the deal title is "Clear 20/20 Vision without Contact Lenses or Glasses: LASIK Laser Eye Treatment for Both Eyes for P24,999 instead of P65,000", I would like to know if this is the same promo you availed when you had your lasik procedure?

    1. Hello - I think that deal is for another type of lasik. Original price for Intralasik (one that I underwent) ranges from Php 80,000 - Php 90,000. But to be sure - you can send me an email at - I'll confirm this one for you. ;)

  12. hi! did you have the screening tests and surgery done on the same day? also, is the clearance from another eye doctor a must requirement?:) thanks!

    1. Hi Rowan. Nope. Had the screening tests 2 weeks before I think. This will give the doctors time to assess if you're a suitable candidate for Lasik. Clearance from another doctors isn't required but I've asked a 2nd opinion from our family (eye) doctor to be doubly sure (^.^)Have you had your screening na?

  13. Oh I inquired at Shinagawa and they said that if I pass the screening, they can do the surgery on the same day too if i choose it. I already requested for an appointment on feb 9 so im now weighing the pros and cons of having it done on the same day:)i read in some reviews that it's better to give it an interval of at least a day. i live in rizal pa kasi so convenient it would be more convenient for me if i achieve both in one go hehe:)

  14. hi Ms. Kristine, it's almost one year since nagpa-laser ka. How's your eyes now? Have you ever experience any side effects? Plan ko din sanang magpa-laser. Thanks in advance for your reply.

    1. Hello! Yup Happy 1st Anniversary to my 20/20 vision. My eyes are good. No side effects. No maintenance whatsoever. And as always, this is one of the best gifts you can ever give to yourself.

      No more hassle eyeglasses and contact lenses. If you have the means - go for it! :)

  15. Hi Ms. Kristine, I am Babyrose. It's almost one year since nagpa-laser ka. How's your eyes now? May side effect ka bang na-experience simula nung nagpa-laser ka? Plan ko din sana na magpa-laser. Thank you in advance.

    1. Hello there :) My eyes are great. I'm encouraging you to undergo LASIK procedure if you have the money. I know this can be an issue pero 2 words talaga - WORTH IT! ^.^

  16. Thank you. May promotion sila ngayon sa Metro Deal: Clear 20/20 Vision without Contact Lenses or Glasses: LASIK Laser Eye Treatment for Both Eyes for P24,999 instead of P65,000. Maybe I should wait sa promo nila na Intra Lasik kasi last year nakita ko din yun, more or less 35000k pero wala pa kong pera nun..hehehe..Thanks again sa response. Take care & God bless..

    1. Hello. Yup. I suggest that you go for INTRALASIK. If I am not mistaken the other comes with a 'blade intervention'. I don't mean to scare you but of course it's always best if there's no blade on the whole process.

      I availed Intralasik too. The thought of blades scare the life out of me :) Let me know if you have questions :D

  17. Replies
    1. I can only speak for INTRALASIK :) So I think that's better. Thanks for dropping by (^.^)

  18. my ex-classmate is planning to have an eye laser surgery, and told me that it will cost from Php40K per eye. I never thought that it would be more expensive :O

  19. hi! Kristine! been dreaming of having 20/20 vision.. is this promo for real from metrodeal? Clear 20/20 Vision without Contact Lenses or Glasses: LASIK Laser Eye Treatment for Both Eyes for P24,999 instead of P65,000... when you say lasik? there's blade involved? scary... thank you!

    1. hi, I have just taken my lasik laser eye treatment in Shinigawa last January 2014 and it's good. If this is Metro Deal promotion, yes it's real, but there is a blade involved for this particular promotion.

  20. How come they never told me theres a 50% discount? Only 30%. Is the 50% even really available? ;(


  21. hi Ms. Kristine!.., I am very interested getting a 20/20 vision and i would like to inquire how much the cost for the entire LASIK procedure...
    i have my email at,

  22. 75k nag inquire ako last tuesday (may 5)- and i will visit their clinic for check up!!! :)

    1. How was your visit? Any ongoing discount? I want to have one too.

  23. Thank you for posting your experience. I am looking forward to having my eye surgery din as a birthday gift this December. So after reading this, I know what to do na. Before buying any vouchers, important na magpaconsult sa doctor muna kung ano ang best procedure. I have 3.00/2.75 grade so I'm not sure if the traditional will work or the Intrasik is recommended. Kung traditional ang irecommend then i guess i can buy the metrodeal vouchers na :)

  24. Hi May I know how much is the screening test? Thanks

  25. Replies
    1. My eyes are still okay :) 20/20 vision I believe! X

  26. I'm so glad I came across this! I'll be four weeks post PRK on Monday and my vision is not great at all. I previously had Lasik in 2002 and needed glasses again in 2012. Because my cornea was thin the doctors felt that PRK would be a great enhancement option. I was doing much better in the right eye about a week after surgery but now that eye is worse than the left! I'm told the surface of my eyes look good and healed but that they still may be changing. The doctors have continually told me that recovery is about one month but from everything I've seen online it seems much longer! I'm holding onto hope that the vision gets better! I'm tired of seeing everything blurred!


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