In January, we all start to think about the things that we’d like to do in the year ahead. Sometimes, it’s over the holiday break, and you start to get serious about what the next year might bring. Sometimes, it takes until the middle or end of January before you can even think about what you might like to do this year. Because life can be that little bit overwhelming when you need to step back into reality after a lot of time off. But when you’re back in the swing of things, it’s definitely easier for you to then get yourself into the frame of mind where thinking about the year ahead is way more appealing. So here we are. And when you know that you want to brighten up your day or your life, you can. Picture source
However, for a lot of people, the worry here is what should those goals be? Or even, what might you want to achieve in the year ahead. Because a lot of the time, you just won’t know. Or, worse - you might base your goals on what others are doing or what you think you should be doing. And that’s definitely not the way to embark on a new year. Instead, you need to know what you want to be doing. You need to figure out what the perfect year ahead looks like to you. And then get to work on creating goals that will get you there. To help you, let’s consider some ideas. *This is a partnership post.
1. To Get More Sleep
One of the best resolutions anyone could set is to improve their sleep habits, pattern, or routine. Because sleep is the key to a good life. When you sleep, your body heels. And this is going to allow you to have more energy throughout the day. So it’s a great place to start.
2. To Eat A More Nutritious Diet
Now, for a lot of people, the main goal is going to be to lose X amount of pounds. That’s just natural. But it’s not that specific - nor that motivating. Instead, you aren’t going to want to restrict yourself, but be kinder to yourself. And this is where the idea of eating foods that are good for you comes in. Maybe you just need a healthy meal plan that will help you to nourish your body? If so, it’s time to start planning.
3. To Exercise Consistently
The next thing is that you might want to actually stick to an exercise regime. Are you tired or going for one run and then forgetting about it for weeks? Or maybe you’re just tired of being tired? When that’s the case, you don’t need more exercise or to change what you’re doing, you just need consistency. Whether it one workout a week or five, set your expectation and hold yourself accountable for it.

4. To Start A New Class
Or maybe you’ve always wanted to do an exercise class? If you’ve been interested in trying spin or pilates or combat - anything, why not make that your goal for the year? And the best part is, this is a goal you can tick off quite easily.
5. To Be More Present
In this day and age, we all tend to be a bit wrapped up in our minds. With social media taking over our lives, it’s easy. You’re either reassessing the past, or you’re planning ahead. And this stops you from living in the moment and appreciating life. So, perhaps this year, you want to be more present? It’s probably one of the best goals you could ever set yourself.
6. To Spend More Time With People You Love
Another simple one is just to be around people you love more. Do you make time to see your friends and family? Do you make plans with them to do fun things? If not, this is something you might like to consider.
7. To Make More Friends
Maybe your friendship circle is dying out? Or you don’t have that many close friends? Well then, this is going to be the year that you change that. Get online and socialise. Join a club. Start a class. Or even join a networking group for that purpose!
8. To Start A Hobby
If you tend to find yourself on the couch watching Netflix at the end of every single day, maybe you need a hobby? It’s definitely cool if that’s what you want to do, but if you know that you’re getting a little bored, find some hobby ideas that might inspire you instead. Learning french, playing soccer, taking up chess, joining a flower arranging class - whatever you like! Maybe it could shake up your life this year.
9. To Travel
Or maybe you’ve always had the burning desire to travel? Has wanderlust hit you hard this year? Then why not take the plunge and book yourself on that round the world trip? Yes, you can get guarantor loans from Buddy Loans, but you can also save up for this first. Or maybe you just want to go on a vacation? Then plan out where and when and what and with whom today.
10. To Learn Something
Next, it could be that you really want to improve yourself. It’s never a bad idea to work on personal development. So, this could be the year that you learn something new. Maybe you want to pick up a new language or finally picture out how to code? No matter what it is that you’re interested in, or what new skills you wish you had, you can teach yourself. Or, you might even want to think about doing the next point.

11. To Take A Course
As a step on from that, you might even want to sign up for a course in something. Always wanted to bake? Then take a class. If you know that you want to improve yourself or your skills, then this should be the year that you finally take the plunge. Even if it’s to go back to school and study, or learn a new skill, why not sign yourself up now?
12. To Get A Promotion
Next up, let’s talk careers. Because this is another popular area, alongside health, that people like to set goals for. Maybe you want to excel in your career? If that’s the case, then you need to plan for it. Because it’s really not going to happen on its own. You need to know where you want to be, and then you need to work towards that role. Getting a promotion this year is doable, as long as you really work for it. So, create a plan of how you’re going to stand out and finally climb your way up that ladder.
13. To Make A Career Change
If you know that you hate your career and you wish you were doing something else, then this is the year to do it. Because what are you waiting for? No matter what you want to do, you can make the move. Yes, that’s right, you can change careers when you have no idea what you’re doing! You just have to want it enough, put the work in, and see where you end up. So come up with an action plan for this today!
14. To Start A Business
Or maybe you’ve always wanted to run your own business? When this is the case, it’s time to start your research. If you head online, there’s a wealth of resources there for you to use to be able to do everything from get set up legally to learn how to market your product idea. But you just have to be the catalyst and get started.
15. To Make A Difference
But then, you may find that you actually want to make a difference in the world. And to do that, you need a plan. Maybe you want to volunteer at a local shelter or for a cause in your community? Maybe you want to work with an international charity? Or maybe you want to set up your own foundation for a cause that is close to your heart. Either way, if you really wish to make a difference in the lives of others or the world itself, this should be a goal of yours for the year ahead.
And there we have it. When it comes to setting your goals for the year ahead, you definitely have to get personal. Make sure that you actually step back and think about what YOU want to get out of this year. Not what others want you to. Not what you think you should. But actually what you want to achieve. Now, you can take some of the points above as inspiration for what you might like to do. Sometimes, all fifteen will apply. At others, it will just be one. But make sure that you are taking your goals and personalising them so that you’re able to make the most of the year ahead.
Happy goal setting!
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