Monday 1 September 2014


It's easy to take for granted things that are always there. We act as though they will be there forever. Be it a person, or a routine - we, humans, have a tendency to forget. We forget that we should appreciate things because, like everything, they are fleeting. Here today, maybe gone tomorrow. I know for a fact that I may not be doing these things pretty soon and so I thought I'll blog my usual day as something to go back months from now.

♥ Practiced Yoga. Reason is simple. I overate last weekend. Ha! I got a chocolate mousse and almond coffee on a Friday. Got a Nono chocolate cake from Classic Confections {shared with friends} last Saturday. And Coldstone Ice Cream last Sunday. The only logical thing to do is to repent and sweat them away today!

However, I'm glad to report that I'm improving. I noticed that I'm more pliant and flexible than before. Hehe! Another good by-product is whenever I practice, I'm obliged to wake up early to make it at 8:30 am! In retrospect, I've accomplished more tasks today! Hooray!

♥ Got my legs cold-waxed. As they are already overdue. Like my hair color. I love the feeling of smooth legs. Plus, I can wear skirts and shorts again without the hassle of hiding unwanted hair. Geez, to be a girl sometimes is both fun + hard work.

♥ Sent my documents to COL Financial. Remember my action items on my blog post HERE? Well, this is the execution part. Fee to ship documents to Manila is Php 100 via LBC. I've heard that Air 21 is cheaper, so feel free to check. 

♥ Bought Krispy Kreme Iced Coffee! Well, I know, I know. It's an additional fat-so! But what can I do? I need coffee plus happy thought. :) It's my latest favorite. You should try it, even once. I am appreciating Krispy Kreme iced coffees these days since they have the strongest jolt ever! Best for someone who stays up till midnight like moi! 

♥ Juiced It. To compensate, mum and I prepared some raw juice! Apple + Carrots + Oranges! We both agree that juicing improves our skin and health. I also noticed that even if I got colds, I easily get well since we start juicing.

My lifestyle is far from being perfect. But what I know is that it gets better over time! What's your routine like? Write it on a blog or a journal perhaps, one day - your usual days will be your good old days! -CMK


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