Tuesday 22 July 2014


I've been randomly doing one of my favorite past times, which is Pinterest-ing. This is where I get my blog inspirations lately. It was then that I came across this poster and smiled from ear to ear because this hits the nail head on! Maybe it's because of my changed perspective lately on lots of things. But one thing's for sure, that "moments" are usually unplanned and nameless, and they happen with someone who's important to you. As I've shared on my most recent Scribbled Notes on what life is NOT about (HERE), God wants you happy! Don't feel guilty when you're happy nor over analyze things and dread for the lonely days.

Another discovery: this song is on repeat for the past few weeks. This is such a feel good, pick me upper song that you'll appreciate! -CMK


1 comment

  1. Ms. Kristine, yakson house is in need of new blogger.. I recommend you to them.. I hope it is okay.. ;) please do check my blog for sample reviews about them. I know I got a lot of rooms for improvement but I hope it will help.. :)


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