Thursday 2 May 2013


Someone's flying soon for the nth time!
Flashback: April 30 Tuesday
It was close to 12 am Manila Time and I was super sleepy. 
However, it's as if someone's telling me that I should stay up a bit more. 
Then came a Skype chat from a friend that goes like:
"Gentle Heads Up! Cebu Pacific is on sale now!!!" 
My eyes lit as I accessed Cebu Pacific SITE to validate and wohoo!
MAY JUAN IS LABOR DAY the banner shouted.
I rummaged the site and looked for some neat
 international rate, have found one! HAPPY DANCE \o/

♣ Tip #1: Use Firefox browser. Based on my experience, 
Chrome crashes for some weird reasons. And worst, after you've filled up 
everything, Error 453 etc appears. When I did a one time entry in FF,
 it went well. Not sure why is that. Not a techie savvy. 
Or maybe it's just Pinky (my laptop's name)?

♣ Tip #2: If you've chosen to pay via Payment Centers, 
you don't have to print the entire page just yet. You only need to
 list the confirmation number, name/s of the passenger/s 
and related dates. That's it!

When I was about to go to sleep, I realized:
Wow. God must have really loved me. And He is so thoughtful.
GOD is in the details. Very true.
Had I slept even 1 minute earlier, I could've missed this seat sale.
He must have known how much I love traveling. And so this happened.
LORD, this is a shout-out. THANK YOU! 


It's about time we use a second or two, don't you think? -CMK

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