Thursday 12 April 2012


For the big, bold pics blog format, blame it on Rogue's cool qualities (to know more of her, click HERE). I am loving her by the day (^-^)

Let me present to you, Skin Food's Aloe Water Eye and Lip Remover. By now, I hope you're not getting enough of Korean Products. I can't get enough of them. Why?

1. Because if you bought it straight from Korea (South, of course) - the price is super affordable. Say, for this specific goodie, you can get it for a very fair deal.

2. Au Naturale. I've heard one of my friends says that she once tried to go for over the counter brands and when she applied it to her face there's a mild burning sensation aka. mahapdi. (gasp!)

3. What's with the box next to it? That's the fun part when you buy at Korean stores, they have lots of freebies. To answer your question, it's a pack of a unique kind of cotton. Like a padded cloth that absorbs and lock the formula more. In fer - we have these cottons in our local supermarkets, costs around Php 30.

4. It wipes away {make-up} effectively. I don't believe in make-up removers before, even speculated that I can wash my face multiple times and that such costs extra cash. But I realized that my friends got a point. I may not see it but there may be make-up residues that can cause skin irritation or worst, zits. So I gave in the first time. My face feels cleaner! Though I don't wear make-ups everyday, it pays to sleep with a clean face. 

We can't over emphasize the importance of being hygienic. It always pay to be mindful of stuffs we're applying into our face. After all - we only have one face. -CMK

Details: For Skin Food Philippines Facebook Page, click here.
For product details directly from Skin Food site itself, click here.

Their web site is cool, you might think that the products are indeed edible!


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