The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls, said Pablo Picasso. If you're following me on instagram (@callmekristineanne), you'll know my take on arts. As someone who doesn’t fully understand / appreciate the depth of ‘it’, I still find visiting a gallery a refreshing thing to do on any given afternoon. It's probably the walk, the mindless wandering around, the piqued curiosity that make me want to go back to an art gallery over and over again. I won't claim to be know much about arts but I just enjoy the simplicity of it. You going to from one corner to another and feasting your senses on what's there. No judgement, your interpretation is valid as much as the other person looking beside you. If you're around London, TATE MODERN might interest you. Granted it's not one of the touristy places people come to London for, I think that's one of its charm. It's good that sunshine is not as scarce as the last months. I can feel spring coming to life. I am grateful. -CMK

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