Thursday 2 May 2013


With God's help, it is never too late to be rich!
This post is actually scheduled to be published sometime next week,
but I got so excited when I heard that Philippines 
got its 2nd investment grade from Standard & Poor (Rating Services), 
hence, I hit the publish button.
Do you want to retire rich? I bet everybody has a YES answer.
Now, next question. HOW? Then there's silence.
Of course, there's a gazillion ways to be rich. 
However, for the purpose of this post, 
let me introduce you to the Philippine Stock Market.

"Is it too late to invest in the stock market?"

I came across a talk show that says:
Everyday that you remain not invested in the market is 
one day that you cannot make money. 
There is no such thing as TOO LATE. 

And the same goes to you, my friend (real or virtual),
stock market is one of the vehicles where you can invest
and reap rewards in the future. Rate of return (tubo) is 
generally greater than inflation! 

IMPORTANT: Don't rush yourself into it. 
Take time to diligently save some few money 
that you're ready to invest for at least a month, to get your feet wet.
 Coupled with God's wisdom and some savings,
you'll have your share of future gains. One step at a time. -CMK


  1. OMG i hear my friends talk about this.souns interesting but hard, wish I knew what's,whatnot's,how's and everything bout investing in the stock market :))

    1. Hi Christine. Interesting? Yes. Hard? Hmm.. Not really. :)

      Feel free to click on the "Money Matters" tab on CMK's blog to get some info. Thanks for your insights! Really appreciate it.

  2. Hard? Not really? That boosted my confidence a bit! Lol, but it srsly did. Well thanks again. I currently have a lot on my plate now though but this is definitely something I'll engage myself into in the future, and I'm gonna get a head start on the reading now. :)))

  3. Hi Kristine! It's great that more and more Filipinos are realizing the importance of investments, in addition to saving. Happy to read more bloggers talk about it, too. More power! :)

    1. Hello Dang! Right. I hope more and more Pinoys will invest early on. It's time to make our money work for us. With God's wisdom, no less. I thank you dearly! ♥

  4. Hi Kristine!

    I love reading your blog! Learned a lot! Spent hours reading your Money Matters entries. I'm currently in this part of my life where I start worrying about my future. Talk about quarter life crisis kicking in. lol. I started investing in stock market last month and I promise to myself I'll invest every month. In God's time and will, I hope we all reap the rewards of the seeds we sow today. God bless and more power!


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