Wednesday 24 October 2012


I've always wanted to write a book. Way back elementary days, look for the writer's club and book-lovers club - you'll find me there. I adored writing essays and reading them aloud. And if you'll ask the Reflection Question: What do I want to do 10 years from now? - one of such will always be to write a book. 

This blog, piles of poems and journals, those little talks - are some of the few outbursts of my love affair with writing. Fast forward >>> Today. I was glancing over some publication sites and all of a sudden - I reckoned, What holds me back from accomplishing my childhood dream? 
As I browse over the book titles - old and new ideas come surging in. Still on the publication site, I managed to click my way through the 'qualification' of a writer portion. And then the dream, like an ice cream, slowly melts away, drop by drop. Fear of the unknown. That may be it. Like an ice cream that slowly turned into a milk shake, here am I 'assessing' the dream again if it's doable or not... fear of the unknown, maybe Tyranny of the Urgent too (click HERE).

Call me pity patty, but I'm hesitant because current authors {of the books} the publication house have published are either big names, famous leaders, winner of famous awards and/or theologically celebrated peeps. These adjectives, are not me.

Not really sure if it's right to write a manuscript. Or to rest my case that I am destined to be in another world. In the world of consultancy and numbers. In the world of quasi-fashion and style and food and makeup perhaps. Don't be misled. I love my world. It's just that, a chunk of my heart will always want to write a book. Plain and simple. Or I wish it's that plain and simple.

I intend to write a book with the mindset- if readers can understand and feel your content - then you're mission accomplished. And, I desire to write as myself, not as someone else. 

And if it's not too much, I hope that my book will inspire the young ones and young at heart. I want to tap them on their shoulder saying:

♣ That it's possible to live a full life without damaging yourself.
♣ That it's possible to achieve things if we just put our hearts to it!
♣ That there are some paths that seem impossible to walk and even conquer,
but after  some time, you'll realize that with God's help - it's possible to be a victor.
♣ That you are destined to be great and not to be trampled upon.

I don't know - the idea is still like a bunch of crayons outside the crayon box. But I hope to make something colorful out of my life and experiences, someday.

To write or not-to-write? Only God {and time} will tell. ☺
How about you? What do you want to be 10 years from now? -CMK

*Photo Credits: Google Images

1 comment

  1. I want to be someone I can be proud of. Be successful and travel the world. But never forgetting where I came from. Maybe in time Miss K, you will be able to do everything you want. I think you will write a great book because you're focusing on the readers and what you want them to read and feel and ponder :)


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