Friday 31 August 2012


Who says sweets make you fat? I'd say TOO much of it does.
But moderate consumption of sweets makes one HAPPY!
And you bet we are! When the cheesy fruity forkful

of ARTASTE Blueberry Cheesecake landed on our taste buds!

I love the contrast of it's sweet and fruity palate.
And mind you - the cake is just packed with goodness,
it's solid (siksik) and therefore filling to the tummy!
Finally, what I like most about the cake
is that you can taste the cheese part in every bite.
You know there's a literal (cream) cheese in there.

Perfect to pair this with your favorite brewed coffee.

It's an instant happy thought!
Take a peek and feast your eyes! (^^)

Sweet Temptation

The crust is too sweet for my buds but for some, it's okay.
Though I have this weird antic of not eating most of cake crusts.
Like I don't eat skin on fried chickens.
We 'attacked' a portion of this cake on
one of our barkadas' favorite coffee place ever!
Take a guess?!

The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf!
You can recognize the frappe and tissue marks on the next photo.
What a beautiful and eat-able sight down here!
Want to munch your own slice of cheesecake?
Easy, like ARTASTE Facebook Page by clicking HERE.
All contact details are in there.

What can I say but - savor each bite
with laughs, smirk and good times with your friends. -CMK



  1. Wahh! Blueberry cheese cake again! :O I'd better make a cup one of these days :) Yey to Coffee Bean n Tea Leaf! <3

  2. Wow, I didn't they have cheesecakes. We made some blueberry cheesecake cups last night. Cheesecakes is a guilty pleasure yum yum :)


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