Monday 30 July 2012


Fashion. There's a world of meaning to such word.
One topic that always makes me giddy. Never fails.
I've been counting some of my wanna-buy list this month,
and I wish to share my 5 Fashion Picks,
in the hope that I'm not alone and you too wants to have these beauties!

1. One Bold Colored Blazer. Of course we'll always love that neutral blazer, but I'm in the mood of raising my color awareness one notch higher. I'm not really sure what color to pick but most probably it would be royal blue or scarlet red. Tip : This works well with your black dresses or pants + plain shirt combination. Just make sure that your colorful blazer takes the center stage.

2. Cat Eye Glasses. Confession to Make: I bought one already! Hihi. Just in time for my next out of town trip. I love how the shape compliments my face. And it's so wearable. It doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. If you look good on it, then go! Tip: There's a trend today of lenses called "Polarized Lenses". Say, when you're driving at night and want to do away with the glare (silaw), that's what you need. Not to mention the taray factor of this cat eye glasses.

3. Sorta Manly Watch. For quite sometime, I've put a ban on buying time pieces but now, I think it's more of a necessity rather than luxury. Last watch I bought was when I was on my work related trip to Prague, which was months ago. So - I think it's time to buy time. Literally! Though I'm actually torn between gold or silver. Ideas please? 

There's still 2 of them.
One is more of a basic essential, the other one is a trendy fashion arsenal.

4. V-neck White Shirt. And may I add, with good quality fabric.
I had a thing with tees these days, just look at my Grey Matter post (click HERE).
But yeah, I think white is in and will always be.
And oh dear! When I see Jessica Alba's tribal scarf, I want that too!
Now that "ber" months are fast approaching, why not?


5. Peplum Skirt. I actually have an idea what top suits well with this babe. Want to know what is that? Click HERE. Thing is, this skirt is a passing fashion trend and second, it's not top-heavy friendly (which happens to be my body type). Pros are that it's an entirely new wave on my fabrics now and there's an event coming up so let's see. :)

Whatever your preferences are,
here's some nugget of wisdom from Coco Channel:
“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only.
Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas,
the way we live, what is happening.”

Yes. Fashion exists. -CMK.


1 comment

  1. You have everything on this list Miss K! *clap clap* :)


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